The narrative follows Futsu Jintarou, a high school student whose love confession was rejected by their crush. Their misfortune continues when they are hit with news of a gender-changing disease, transforming Jintarou into a stunning silver-haired girl. Overwhelmed by the sudden change, they seek solace in the virtual reality game ClanClan. In the game, Jintarou’s character Taru shares the same appearance as their real-life self and possesses the Alchemy skill, which is often considered useless by other players. As they interact with fellow adventurers and progress in the game, Jintarou discovers that ClanClan’s slogan “When one becomes an adventurer, they can fight, steal, control, explore, invent, create, and do anything as they like” holds true. However, Jintarou keeps their true identity as a girl and the reason for their appearance a secret from their friends who also play the game. With summer break coming to an end, Jintarou must face the reality of returning to school as a girl. This is the story of a top-tier adventurer, known as the Alchemist, who achieved victory in a war without ever leaving their home. When a normal high school student suddenly transforms into a beautiful girl, how will they cope? The answer is by becoming addicted to online gaming.