Susumu Hayashi, his twin brother Tsutomu, and Sakura Toyama have been friends since childhood. However, when Tsutomu disappears at the age of ten, their friendship starts to drift apart. Two years later, Tsutomu reappears, but only in front of Susumu and from inside a mirror. This leads to a strange love triangle between the three of them, with events that have never been experienced before. Aoyama’s love story takes an unexpected turn as the twin brothers’ bond is tested by their feelings for Sakura. What Sakura doesn’t know is that Tsutomu has returned as a mirror image of Susumu, appearing whenever Susumu looks into a mirror and talking to him. As the story unfolds, we see how this bizarre situation affects the relationships between Sakura, Susumu, and Tsutomu. Aoyama’s writing and beautiful artwork add a charming touch to this unusual tale. Despite being her first series, she does an excellent job with the paneling, layout, and pacing. If you enjoy unique and captivating stories about young love, SWWEEET is definitely worth checking out.